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Any person who displays these 7 behaviors is destined for failure in life

Back in school, it was really clear which students were the real go-getters, the people who seemed to have all their ducks in a row.

I knew people who were already planning out their college applications and future career paths at age 15!

Most people, however, were like me. Wanting to finish school then get out into the world and see what it had to offer. Later, we’d plan out our lives once we figured out a path that felt right. And most people did just that. But there were a few people who you really worried about, and for a good reason, it seemed. Some of them seemed so disorganized or completely uninterested in doing anything productive that I don’t know how they planned to get through life.

A whole lot of how they did things suggested that they were going to really struggle.

If someone displays these 7 behaviors, they’re destined for failure in life unless they can make big changes and turn things around.

1) Procrastinating

“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today,” goes the old saying. And yet, almost all of us are guilty of letting things slide at least a little bit. The problem with procrastination is that it compounds and piles up. Whatever you don’t do now will be added to the pile of things to do tomorrow, and tomorrow, if you skip something else, the pile gets bigger and bigger until it’s completely unmanageable and unbearable.

To avoid this massive problem, we have to embrace “anticrastination,” that is getting things done before they become an issue, not after.

2) Making excuses

People who constantly make excuses are destined to fail because this behavior indicates something really crucial that they’re doing – neglecting responsibility. It doesn’t matter what the excuse is. There are only real, valid reasons why things don’t get done or why they get messed up, or there are real reasons why they don’t.
Making excuses is a form of deceiving
yourself and saying, “It’s not me who’s the problem; it’s the circumstances.”

If a person consistently does this, they’re disempowering themself and setting themselves

to fail.

3) Not following through

I have to admit that this is one of the big things that I struggle with. Why? For me, it’s because I have so many things I want to do that I end up starting tons of projects all at once. They end up getting interrupted, and that leaves me with a whole lot of loose ends. I do eventually get things done, though. It just takes a while.But a lot of people keep starting things and not pushing them through to completion. They either lose motivation or lose confidence in themselves, and then their momentum disappears.

By not finishing things they start, they’re continually failing all the time.

4) Wallowing in negativity

When you have stress in your life and things piling up all around you, it’s easy to start being a Negative cloud. But getting too far into negativity really has major consequences for both your happiness and your success.

Most people want to avoid someone who’s always spreading doom and gloom, so it will be harder to make and keep friends. People also won’t want to work with someone who has a negative attitude, so that really limits your chances of making partnerships and deals. Negativity is not the path to success, that’s for sure.

5) Avoiding risk

People who live in their comfort zones and never risk anything think they’re playing it safe. But they are actually taking some of the biggest risks imaginable. Sacrificing the space to learn, grow and assume any form stance through the knowledgeable experiences.

6) Making assumptions

“Don’t make an assumption. You’ll make a mess out of yourself, and the zone will shun you!”

Someone got that old saying a bit messed up. Comedy aside, assuming you know something when you don’t or assuming things will go a certain way without really having proof is in itself a pretty risky way to live your life. Rather than checking, doing research, or making sure they’ve got facts, many people just assume they know what’s what.

7) Cutting corners

When I hear the phrase “cutting corners,” I always think of building contractors physically cutting off bits of building materials to save money. Silly, I know, but cutting corners is such a silly thing to do. It means not doing things correctly on purpose, either to save money or time or just because you’re lazy.

It’s why bridges collapse and electrical fires happen. If that doesn’t sound like a recipe for failure, I don’t know what else is.

If someone displays these 7 behaviors, they’re destined for failure in life. But there’s still hope and time to fix things. Making just a few behavioral changes can help people turn things around and bring them some success in life, instead.

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